More home, less money!

Here is a comparison of purchasing a condo and a manufacture home we did a few months ago for a buyer, both properties were available on the MLS on 6/28/2022 using interest rates available on that date for a qualified buyer with a 740 Fico score.

Property TypeCondoManuf. HomeManuf. Home
Purchase price$899,000$394,500$394,500
Description3bed/2 bath 1,773 sq. ft3bed/2 bath 1,440 sq. ft3 bed/2 bath 1,440 sq. ft
Downpayment10% $89,9005% $19,72520% $78,900
New Loan$809,100$374,775$315,600
Property Taxes$936$200$200
Fire Insurance$90$90$90
Mortgage Insurance$121$0$0
HOA/Space rent$332$1,087$1,087
Monthly Housing$6,395$4,270$3,658
Annual income to qualify$163,281$128,087$109,745

At least three big financial advantages are to be found here. First, it requires less cash to purchase. Second, the overall housing payment including space rent is lower. And the income needed to qualify is lower due to the lower monthly payments.

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